As outlined in the previous section, in order to support agile business processes, you want the business process to carry the minimum information between activities. 如前面的小节所述,要支持敏捷业务流程,需要让业务流程在行为之间携带最少量的信息。
The statement signalled an end to months of wrangling between Mr King and senior bank executives over the governor's previous insistence that bank shareholders should carry the can for irresponsible lending by banks. 默文•金的声明显示,他与银行高管长达数月的争论已经结束。这场辩论的焦点是,默文•金曾坚持认为,应该由股东为银行不负责任的借贷行为承担责任。
The previous firmware did not carry this feature over from older versions. 之前的版本都没有支持这个功能。
But banks used previous one-year LTROs to engage in a profitable carry trade – taking the cheap ECB loans to buy higher-yielding government bonds. 不过,银行曾利用上一回的1年期LTRO从事利润丰厚的套利交易&利用欧洲央行的低息贷款去购买收益率更高的政府债券。
Where the consignor violates the previous paragraph, the carrier may refuse to carry. 托运人违反前款规定的,承运人可以拒绝运输。
Through the literature review on the previous studies of industrial organization and radical innovation, this paper holds that as the leading industry, radical innovation based high-tech industry is driving the economic development, and thus it should carry out innovation on its industrial organization model. 通过对产业组织理论与突破性创新相关研究的回顾和综述,认为突破型高新技术产业作为对经济有突破带动作用的主导产业,应该实现产业组织模式上的创新。
After Nguyen Dynasty established, rulers of Nguyen Dynasty inherited previous tradition of foreign trade which allowed the domestic and international businessman to carry on legal trade to some extent. 阮朝建立后,嘉隆和明命一定程度上也继承了阮氏对外贸易的传统,允许国内外商人进行合法的贸易。
Modern research on Alzheimer is built on the basis of previous knowledge, to inherit and carry forward of previous experience. 现代关于老年痴呆所取得的研究成果是建立在对前人认识的基础上的,是对前人经验的继承和发扬。
The third part is based on previous surveys and studies, and summarized the reason of the difficulties to carry out vocation guidance in high school. 第三个部分是根据前面的调查和研究,归纳了职业指导工作在普通高中开展困难的原因。
Previous work has indicated that a sheet beam driven traveling wave tube can meet this need, but it require the beam which can carry higher current. Sheet electron beam is one of the most important one. 通过研究发现带状电子束行波管能够满足这样的需求,而这需要一种能够承载大电流的电子束源,带状电子束就是其中最重要的一种。
Based on the previous research findings and theoretical framework, this study intends to carry out the research and exploration into English education advertisements from two levels. 基于前人的研究发现和理论建构,本研究从两个层面对招生广告语篇进行了分析和探索。
Anti-HBc may not only as a sign of previous HBV infection, can be carried out in areas that do no carry out the nucleic acid detection, to reduced risk of blood transfusion. 4. 在不具备开展核酸检测的地区,可以开展抗-HBc检测,以降低输血风险。
One is about the standard of the word segmentation, where we integrate previous research results, and then explore a proper and concrete standard to carry out the specific word segmentation. 一是词语切分的标准,在这我们综合前人的理论研究成果,再结合切词的实际工作,摸索出适合《战国策》的具体的词语切分标准。
Previous counselor examination is the method of using mathematical models and statistical treatment, this assessment is usually in paper and on artificial media as a vehicle to carry out. 以往辅导员考核是通过使用数学模型的方法进行统计和处理的,这种考核通常以纸质媒介作为载体并依赖人工来进行。
The previous system simulation using black box or gray box models based on data analysis methods cannot carry out characteristics of the system in theoretical analysis, but just regular summary. 以往的系统仿真主要采用基于数据分析方法的黑箱或灰箱模型,得到的系统特性难以进行理论分析,仅为规律性的总结。
That there is no lack of among them later physicians to previous work to supplement and correction, inherit and carry forward the academic thoughts. 其中不乏后世医家对前代著作进行补充和订正,继承和发扬其学术思想。